I will have 9 hostess sets from the 2009-2010 catalog. If a problem should arise with people not want to share sets I will have to place a time limit on each set. I don't see this happening, as we have never had this problem before.
The discontinued list will be out for Stampin' Up. You can place your order and do some stamping. As always you do not have to make a purchase to participate.
- Saturday June 5, 2010
- 1 to 5
- $20.00 cash
- rsvp to adnotsinkpad@yahoo.com by Thursday at 6
- Sets available
- Level 3- Kind and Caring Thoughts
- level 2 -Asian Artistry
- Wings of Friendship
- Christmas Punch
- Level 1- On Earth
- Holiday Best
- Love Bug
- Country Morning
- Out of the Box
If you didn't get a chance to earn these hostesss sets now is your time to stamp out the images.
- LOOK at the sets and sketch out some samples
- Think about the colors you will be using
- Have your card stock precut
- plan on punching and coloring at home to save time
I hope this will be a fun time for everyone to just order, stamp, talk, share ideas, etc. This is the first time I have had one of these in 4 years.